What Are You Doing this Summer on Sunday Nights?

I once read somewhere about how Sunday night church meetings began- it was all about showing off the new indoor gas lighting!

I don’t know how true this is, but it does- in its own way- demonstrate the conundrum that is often Sunday nights. At any given church usually less than half of those present on Sunday morning return for Sunday nights.

Some claim Sunday nights are simply redundant- just Sunday morning re-do except with much less attention given to preparation. I think this claim has some merits.  Others point to no example in the New Testament for Sunday nights. Some folks just want to stay home and watch football! 🙂

Many churches have responded to decreased Sunday attendance by initiating small groups. Numbers usually indicate a higher percentage of participants in small groups verses Sunday-night-go-to-meeting. Small groups do have some strengths and advantages over traditional Sunday night gatherings.

We do small groups at Gateway, but not in the summer.  In the summer we  usually do the traditional thing- maybe with a few twists, but it is about gathering somewhere at our building.

But not this time. Not this summer.

We are experimenting if you will- with a more hands-on practical ministry-oriented summer Sunday night experience. Instead of coming and sitting, we will be going and working. Our summer Sunday nights will consist of visiting, mowing, raking, studying, calling, praying, and helping.  We will have visitation nights, work nights, special project nights, VBS work nights, outreach nights on our summer Sundays. Interspersed will be a few times we gather to encourage each other through reports and praise, but mainly we are aiming to become the Sunday night hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

I am praying for our summer Sunday nights. They could be major kingdom difference makers!

8 Responses to What Are You Doing this Summer on Sunday Nights?

  1. lesjr says:

    Visionary. I will be sharing this with some folks!

  2. Tim Archer says:

    Sounds great. Hope you’ll report later on about how it goes.

    Grace and peace,
    Tim Archer

  3. mattdabbs says:

    We also take a break from groups for the summer. We are doing something more testimonial in nature with church members who have been through extreme difficulty (physical health, major struggles, etc) talking about their relationship with God through these times. Interspersed in that are some “family nights” where we will get together for a short devo and then just spend time with each other doing everything from playing basketball and volleyball to singing and just hanging out.

    Your idea is a really good one. We may try something like that next year. It is so important when we see something isn’t working very well to be willing to make the necessary changes. Thanks for challenging us all.

  4. dannydodd says:

    Matt, we did something like that last summer on Sunday morning through video presentations. It was very well received. I think there is a lot of power in testimonials.

  5. Donna says:

    Sounds a lot like what Christianity is all about!! Good for you! (I mean by you…your church)

  6. Darin says:

    Danny, sounds great. That is what we do for our Wednesday nights. I would just throw out make sure you have thought about how you will measure success. I’m sure it will be a blessing and I commend you for not settling. I pray you have a great summer.

  7. Royce Ogle says:

    This summer? Have dinner with our grandchildren, sit on the back porch and relax, watch a race on TV, you know Sabbath stuff. Are you resting one day of seven? Rest is as important to God as murder, lying, and sleeping with your neighbor’s wife! Better get some rest huh?


  8. Trey Morgan says:

    That’s exactly what the church should be doing more of …

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